Monday, June 11, 2012

Control leds on mini2440 by a Qt Creator's program

Mini2440 board has four leds that is used to indicate the status of the board. Normally, the leds will run when led service is loaded. However, we can use command to stop or restart that led service, they are:
$/etc/rc.d/init.d/leds stop
(after this command, leds will stop blinking)

$/etc/rc.d/init.d/leds start
(after this command, leds will start blinking)
 I wrote a QtCreator's program that passes those two commands by pressing button, the leds will stop or start running then. The source code of that program can be found at link here.

Sorry readers, I will not continue this blog. All content is transfered to new blog.

Please visit here

Thank you


  1. You can teach me ? I have Project like this ,Please this is my E-mail

  2. really sorry you, you should manage it by yourself.

  3. will you help me..
    I have erased my nand ,and started off with new u-boot so as to boot it from SD-card ,I got my kernel compiled and everything's set .Here I am using another root filesystem ( built form busybox)..but after booting up I don't find /dev/leds .The file in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/leds is for blinking the leds... .Since my rfs is different one,I don't have it. What could be the problem behind the absence of /dev/leds .. ?

  4. I have followed your previous tutorial about how to install and configure Qt and set tool chain in Qt creator.
    Now, when i run this program, i can see the window on the tft with 4 push buttons.
    But the touch screen does not work and i get this error:-
    QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate: ts_conf()failed withe error "No such file or directory. Please chack your tslib installation."

    How should i solve this error ??
